A Day in Kindergarten
英文, 簡體中文版
- 作者:
- Samir Senoussi
- 出版社:
- 北京科学技术出版社
- 出版日期:
- 08/16/2024
- EAN:
- 9787571437596
- 庫存量:
- 購買後立刻進貨
- 原價:
- $29.90
- 采風價:
Imagine what would happen if the baby animals went to kindergarten? Baby snails procrastinate, baby fireflies never take naps, baby crocodiles shed genuine tears because they miss their moms so much! And baby bats are late for school *on the first day* and don't come in until the evening, why? ...... During the orientation phase, the baby animals with different habits are in a lot of trouble! Don't worry, please give the animals some time, they *will eventually learn letters, shapes and colors together, do handicrafts, build blocks, practice dancing, listen to the teacher's storytelling, make new friends and try to integrate into the group. ...... Share these humorous and warm moments with your baby, and he/she will surely fall in love with kindergarten from now on!