Dai shang ta de yan jing (Simplified Chinese)
英文, 簡體中文版
- 作者:
- Liu ci xin
- 出版社:
- 浙江教育出版社
- 出版日期:
- 05/18/2022
- EAN:
- 9787572233579
- 庫存量:
- 購買後立刻進貨
- 原價:
- $22.80
- 采風價:
Read Liu Cixin's original science fiction novels and enjoy the grand fantasy world of the first Chinese science fiction writer! Liu Cixin's works have deep themes, twisted plots, full of emotions and strong infectious force, and he expounds the thinking and exploration of modern technology and even future technology from science fiction. Take Her Eyes” tells the story of a human underground exploration spacecraft that crashes and traps its pilot in the center of the earth forever. The book also contains the stories “Collapse” and “The Mirror”. Time Reversal” is one of the frightening science fiction concepts addressed in ‘Collapse’. In the novel, the Unified Field Theory created by Ding Yi, which was actually the ultimate theory that Einstein dreamed of trying to explain everything, accidentally calculates the end of a “collapsing universe” - a journey through the ultimate inverse time in a symmetrical regression of time. The Mirror is a science fiction story about a computer simulation technology.